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Commercial Development
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Industrial (M) District

The purpose of this district is to provide for manufacturing, processing, assembly, distribution, service, and repair uses that carry out a portion of their operation outdoors or require outdoor storage areas.

Downtown Commercial (C-1) District

The general purpose of this District is to provide a wide variety of commercial used within the Town's downtown core.

Secondary Commercial (C-2) District

The general purpose of this District is to provide a wide variety of commercial uses outside of the Town's downtown core.

Highway Commercial (C-3) District

The general purpose of this District is to allow a wide variety of commercial uses located directly adjacent to major vehicular circulation routes.

Urban Services (P) District

The purpose of this district is to allow the use of land for service, mainly of a public nature, which has a primary orientation to the community.

Urban Reserve (UR) District

The purpose of this district is to provide for the continuation of existing rural pursuits and future urban expansion.

Direct Control (DC) District

The purpose of this district is to regulate, direct and control the Development of specialized areas, land uses and complex development proposals within the town.  The development authority for all proposals within this district shall be the Council of the Town of High Prairie.