Presenting to Council
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Council's Procedural Bylaw #02-2014 permits anyone wishing to speak to or ask a question of Council during a Regular Meeting of Council at the Scheduled or Public Delegation portion of the Agenda. You may make prior arrangement with the Legislative Clerk to speak as a Scheduled Delegation, or stand to speak when asked to do so at a Scheduled Meeting under the Public Delegation portion of the Agenda, under the following guide lines.

Download the Delegation Application HERE


A person or a representative of any delegation or group of persons who wish to bring any matter to the attention of Council, or who wish to have any matter considered by Council, shall address a letter (or other written communication) to Council outlining the subject to be discussed. The letter shall be signed in the correct name of the writer; the address of the writer, and delivered (by hand, mail, fax, or email) to the Town Manager. The letter must arrive at least by 1:00 PM at least five (5) business days immediately preceding the meeting at which it is to be presented. If the person wishes to appear before Council on the matter it shall be stated in the letter.

Delegates shall be granted a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes to present the matter outlined in the letter. Where the Chair determines that additional time shall be granted to a delegation, the length of the extension shall be specified, and the Chair may limit the time.

Delegations that have not submitted a letter in accordance with Section 31.2 of this Bylaw may be granted a brief opportunity to outline the matter they wish to present to Council.

Matters of confidential nature, as referred to in Section 16 of the Procedural Bylaw 06-2013, shall not be discussed during Public Presentations to Council.

Information presented by a Person or Group shall relate only to the subject matter for which the presentation was originally requested.

Each Person or Group will be given an opportunity to make a public presentation only once in respect to a given issue. Council or the Committee may waive this restriction if it is of the view that there have been significant new developments in respect of the issue or if sufficient time has elapsed such that Council, or the Committee, is prepared to consider the issue again.

Extensions of time limits for any verbal presentations during the Public Presentation to Council or the Committee may be granted by consent of Council or the Committee, based on one or more of the following:

The issue or Bylaw under discussion is deemed by Council or the Committee to be contentious or complex and the allotted time is not sufficient, in the opinion of Council or the Committee, to give the matter due consideration;

The granting of an extension of time will not prejudice the rights of other presenters to their allotted presentation time as prescribed by this Bylaw.

Where a Delegation requests support from Council, requiring a Motion of Council, Council shall first refer the matter to Administration, who shall bring back more information and a recommendation at a subsequent meeting so that Council can make an informed decision.

Public Delegation

As part of the Council Agenda, the Mayor shall also call for and recognize any Public Delegations. Public Delegations may or may not be scheduled (as per Section 31 of this Bylaw), and may request an opportunity to speak to Council or a Committee at a meeting.

All persons wishing to address Council will be required to give their names and topic of concern.

A Public Delegation may be recognized by the Chair and granted a maximum of five (5) minutes to present their matter.

Where a Public Delegation requests support from Council, requiring a Motion of Council, Council shall first refer the matter to Administration, who shall bring back more information and a recommendation at a subsequent meeting so that Council can make an informed decision.